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Blogaholic Designs
"Feeding Families" one apron at a time...And a portion of my sales goes to Saddleback Church Food Pantry - helping feed local families in need.

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How "Sew Sassy" got started...

I was in search of a fun, retro apron. Difficult to say the least...

And when I found that apron I was shocked to learn it was out of my price range. So what's a girl to do?! SEW (of course)!

I love to craft and have been for a big part of my life. I've knitted scarves and blankets for loved ones. I've painted and created ornaments during the holidays. So why not sew (which I haven't done for at least 20 years). But like I told a friend "It's just like riding a bicycle", kinda. :)

After I created my first apron, I decided I would make some as gifts. And as that gift list grew, and friends saw the aprons that I created, they started inquiring if I would sell them?

I found myself contemplating "Why not"?

"Sew Sassy" is the outcome of my efforts in sharing unique retro aprons with those who enjoy color, creativity, and one-of-a-kind aprons that are sure to make you smile.

If you have an idea, favorite color(s), hobby or passion and would be interested in a retro apron created JUST FOR YOU; then send me an e-mail and I'll do my best to put something together that will sure to please you or that hostess with the mostess.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

How to Fold your Apron

Don't you just hate it when you get something that fits perfectly in a bag, you take it out and when you go to put it away it just isn't the same or doesn't fit the same way?

Well, I know that bothers me. So I took a few photos to help you fold your apron so it fits perfectly back in it's bag.

Step 1 - fold the bodice over at the waist.

Step 2 - fold one side over to the beginning point of the pocket.

Step 3 - fold the other side over to the beginning point of the pocket. Making sure the ties are lying flat.

Step 4 - fold the ruffle about 4 inches up and fold the top of the apron down to just the beginning of the pocket.

Step 5 - fold the apron in half (take the bottom of the apron and fold it towards the top edge).

Step 5a - if you were to flip the apron over it will only be the size of the front pocket.

Step 6 - turn the apron back over and fold one side to the middle half-way point.

Step 7 - fold the other side to meet at the middle edge.

Step 8 - now place the apron inside the bag.

Step 9 - tuck the front of the bag over the apron towards the back.

Final Step 10 - Snap the bag closed and you're ready to store your new apron.


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